If you are an employee of the Forest Service Alaska Region and are not supervisory, you should be eligible to join our Alaska Region’s Local 251, and we’d be happy to help you do that if you haven’t already. Please, consider paying $35.32 per pay period, before taxes, by completing this form online:
Our Local 251 will do all we can to defend Forest Service workers in the Alaska Region; in partnership with our Forest Service Council, NFFE, IAM, AFL-CIO, and the larger Labor movement. Our strength is in our numbers, both in the funding dues provides for lawyers, lobbyists and training, and in the numbers of dues-paying members that management sees when we’re at the bargaining table.
All federal workers have protections under the law. Forest Service bargaining unit employees also have protections under our Master Agreement. Try to stay calm and watch for what comes from the USDA, the Forest Service, and your own supervisor. There are processes and laws that need to be followed; that our Alaska Region’s Local 251 will fight with you to defend.