
The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) is a federation of 57 national and international labor unions that represents 12.5 million working men and women.

The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAMAW or IAM) is one of the largest and most diverse labor unions in North America with nearly 600,000 active and retired members. 

The IAM runs the William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center in Hollywood, Maryland.  The Winpisinger Center provides training in Local administration, leadership, organizing, collective bargaining, communications, and arbitration. 

The National Federation of Federal Employees (NFFE) is a national union representing approximately 110,000 blue- and white-collar government workers across the United States; including 35 Departments and Agencies.

The Forest Service Council (FS Council or FSC) represents more than 20,000 Forest Service employees stationed across the country in 133 different organizational units.  Every Region and the WO elect representatives from their Locals to the represent them at the FSC.

Our Local 251 represents nearly 500 nonsupervisory field and office workers in the Alaska Regional Office, the Tongass National Forest, and the Chugach National Forest.

There are also 8 Forest Service Locals organized under the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE), and 1 Forest Service Local, the Monongahela National Forest (NF), is organized under the National Association of Government Employees (NAGE).  The 8 AFGE Forest Service Locals cover the Ouachita NF, Kisatchie NF, Nebraska NF, Santa Fe NF, all NFs in Mississippi and Texas, as well as the Pine Ridge Job Corps Civilian Conservation Center (JCC or CCC), Schenk JCC,  Lyndon B. Johnson JCC and Boxelder JCC.